Until you make the unconscious concious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
- C.G. Jung

My Psychometric Toolkit

Alongside my group facilitation and coaching experience, I am an accredited Master Trainer in a variety of psychometric tools, all of which are designed to open up discussions using an evidence-based, data-led approach. I work with my clients to select the tool(s) that will serve as the vehicle towards the intended outcome.

Leadership Behaviours Profile (LBP)

A practical 360 degree tool aimed at c-suite and board level leaders, based on a combination of contemporary leadership theory and enabling a multi-rater view of an individual’s demonstration of critical leadership behaviours. Can be used for:

  • Providing feedback to inform a comprehensive leadership development programme.

  • An anchor for executive coaching discussions

  • A practical guide to enable leaders to accelerate their development in a targeted way

  • Establishing behaviour change over time with the Pulse Report

Linking Leader Profile (LLPI360)

Appropriate for junior to middle managers and focused on 13 core people, task and leadership skills, this 360 profile gives individuals insights into core management competencies. I have used this for:

  • Helping managers understand how they are perceived by those who work with them

  • Demonstrating where and when a manager should deploy their time and focus

  • Enhancing coaching discussions with new/emerging leaders

  • Developing leadership capability

Performance Climate System (PCS)

PCS is a 360-degree report designed to measure team culture and leadership performance. Ideal for:

  • Measuring team climate

  • Developing highly effective leaders

  • Improving performance and wellbeing

  • Benchmarking success over time with multiple measures

Team Management Profile (TMP)

Based on over 30 years of research into high performing teams, the Team Management Profile measures preference at work, providing personal feedback into what creates personal success and high energy teams. A versatile tool, perfect for:

  • Helping accelerate newly-formed teams

  • Understanding and leveraging diversity

  • Helping teams improve communication

  • Unlock personal potential

Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile

A personal development tool designed to explore the balance of energy placed into seeking obstacles vs seeing opportunities. Ideal for:

  • Navigating change

  • Exploring risk

  • Understanding uncertainty

  • Building resilience

Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile

A personal and team development tool which measures an individual’s core value system to understand the deeper motivations behind their behaviour at work. Designed to help:

  • Understand the often-hidden aspects of behaviour

  • Locate an individual’s hierarchy of values at work

  • Understand and explain conflict

  • Determine and agree team/organisational values

The Team Management Systems (Margerison-McCann), Team Management Wheel, Linking Leader Model, Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2), and Window on Work Values (WoWV) are registered or common law trademarks of Bellcastle Pty Ltd. Bellcastle holds copyright and trademark rights, which are used under license.